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Join us on our beautiful downtown campus for our Open House. You will have the opportunity to learn about the admission process, see highlights of campus during a tour, and interact with current students and staff. Attendees may register for either the 9 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. CST slots. Check-in will be held 30 minutes prior to each timeslot in the Welcome Center and will participate in the following agenda:

  • Welcome Address from MSOE's Director of Admissions
  • Campus Tour of: Campus Center, Allen-Bradley Hall of Science, Walter Schroeder Library, and Dwight and Dian Computational Science Hall
  • Presentation with MSOE's VP of Students Services and Enrollment Management in the Nvidia Auditorium
  • Campus Tour of: Herman Viets Tower, Rosenberg Hall, and the Kern Center
  • Return to Welcome Center for Closing Remarks and one-on-one meetings with Admissions



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